Wishing you a Happy Shavuot!

Wishing you a Happy Shavuot!

During this beautiful holiday of receiving the Torah, we learn wonders about the essence of being a Jewish person (and human!) from the Book of Ruth.

Both Ruth and Boaz, the great grandparents of King David and stars of the megilla, come from lineages with challenging stories. Ruth is from Moab, a line created from Lot and his daughter after Sodom was destroyed, and Boaz from the dramatic unity of Judah and Tamar (see for more details Genesis 38). They show how the two of them overcome their pasts, and become loving, honest, generous and kind people. They teach us the Jewish value that our models do not come from perfection, but have the ability to tshuva, to repent, to learn, make mistakes and grow. King David has this greatness in him as well.

This is the beauty of our Torah, it is true and relevant for all of humanity. The Torah that we celebrate today is a reminder that humans are meant to learn and grow through our lives, not be or maintain perfection. Through Torah, we have the privilege and opportunity to learn wonders about ourselves and how we are meant to handle ourselves in the world- with benevolence.

On behalf of everyone here at Chicago Jewish Funerals, we wanted to wish all of you and your families a Happy, Healthy, and Joyful Shavuot!

Just as a reminder, if you need Yizkor candles, they are available at both our Buffalo Grove and Skokie Chapels.

Chag Sameach,

David I. Jacobson

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