Grieving A Death During A Pandemic
Let’s come together virtually on Monday, August 3 at 7:30 PM to learn alternative ways to mourn and grieve while we gain comfort from being together. We will use music, mindfulness, poems, and pictures to honor the loved ones who have died and our own grief. You are invited to have a photo of your loved one(s) to share. This event is free of charge. Register today and you will receive a Zoom link prior to the event.
Tracey Lipsig Kite, LCSW is a social worker at JCFS Chicago. Through a range of community trainings, she works to support healthy people, families, and communities.
Laurie Garber-Amram, LCSW is a certified Jewish Mindfulness Meditation Instructor and has developed curriculum and co-taught at the Orot Center for New Jewish Learning.
Brian Grossman is a member of the Jewish community. He will share his experience grieving his father’s recent death. |