Shabbat shalom!

Shabbat shalom!

What do we see when we look at the desert? What is our first impression when we look at someone or something?

Are our first judgements, our fears, what lead our choices in life?

The parsha this week is an incredible story of the 12 people going in to the promised land and scout it out.

10 return with negative news, with fear of the giants and advising not to go in. Joshua and Caleb, however, return with other news. They are incredible because they do not follow the party line of what everyone else around them is saying and thinking. They say what they believe, risking their place in society and what people think of them.

May we be able to realize why it is we believe what we believe- is it really our voice, or that of someone else? May we all be as strong as Caleb and Joshua.

Shabbat shalom!

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