Happy 4th of July!
Happy independence weekend to the United States and Hodesh Tammuz Tov, a new, wonderful month of Tammuz, to the Jewish nation. May we all rejoice in the cycle of time. Shabbat Shalom!
Happy independence weekend to the United States and Hodesh Tammuz Tov, a new, wonderful month of Tammuz, to the Jewish nation. May we all rejoice in the cycle of time. Shabbat Shalom!
Chicago Jewish Funerals is honored to be on the cover of Evanston Woman Magazine featuring the amazing women who serve our families with dedication and passion. You can read the entire article here
Iris Jacobson, a facilitator at Open Studio Project in Evanston, is offering a unique art and writing experience which promotes play, spontaneity, growth, and healing. This introductory session is geared toward those who have experienced loss and would like to explore their creativity and emotions through reflective writing and intuitive...
This weeks Torah portion - Be'halot'cha - discusses how Aaron HaKohen lit the Menorah every day. Our Sages teach us that even though he lit the Menorah all his life his passion for doing this commandment never waned. May we all be able to bring light and passion to the routine in...
Practical advice on how to talk to children about death. ://www.npr.org/2019/03/04/698309351/the-dog-isnt-sleeping-how-to-talk-with-children-about-death
To all the Dads in our lives. Thank you for everything.
It’s that time of year again when the berries grow in Israel... May everyone have a Shabbat concentrating on the cyclical nature of time, how lucky we are to keep coming back to certain events while still moving forward. Shabbat Shalom!
Make the World a Better Place – The Chicago Jewish Funerals Calendar (5780-5781) Our new 24-month calendar that spotlights Jewish community organizations is now available. Please use the form below to let us know where to send your calendar or just enter your name, email and then choose a location so we can have...
This week in Parashat Naso, the priests are instructed how to bless the people. The blessing translates to: May YHVH bless you and keep you; May YHVH make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; May YHVH lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace. In 1979 at a...
This week, the portion is all about Shmita, the Jubilee year, the 7th year that we give our fields a sabbatical. Not only humans need this gift of rest time, as does our world. May we all be reminded that everything in creation deserves a break sometimes and treat our...