Friday Posts

2025 Anita and Barry Kinzbrunner Award

Chicago Jewish Funerals is proud to share that our founder, David Jacobson, will be honored with the 2025 Anita and Barry Kinzbrunner Award. The award is presented by Neshama - Association of Jewish Chaplains. This prestigious award recognizes David's lifelong commitment to Jewish life and chaplaincy. We invite the community to join us...


“My Parents’ Lodging Place”

This week we receive the 10 commandments! We would like to share a favorite poem of ours by Yehuda Amichai on this subject: My father was God and didn’t know it. He gave me the Ten Commandments not in thunder and not in anger, not in fire and not in a cloud, but gently and...


Happy Chanukah!

Dear Friends, This Chanukah may the growing light of the menorah inspire us to bring warmth, kindness and hope into the world. Together, let’s illuminate the darkness and celebrate the miracles that surround us. Wishing you a joyous and bright Chanukah. Warmly, David I. Jacobson Founder, Chicago Jewish Funerals


Shabbat Shalom!

This week, we see the pain separation within families, how much havoc anger can wreck when unchecked. This is a reminder to us to stay together, look out for each other and communicate well. May all those who are currently not home in body or in spirit have a quick...


Shabbat Shalom

This week, we are reminded of the all of the drama that can occur between siblings. May this be a reminder to us to enjoy and care for and communicate with our families while they are around, for they are such a blessing. Shabbat shalom.


Shabbat Shalom

This weeks parsha is the first funeral of the Jewish people. The biggest and most beautiful lesson we see here is that the portion is called “the life of Sarah”, our first matriarch. The concentration is on the fulfillment of a long, full journey. The lesson we can take with...


Shabbat Shalom

This week, we meet Abraham and ourselves at a very intense moment- the moment he is willing to give up everything that is dear to him in the name of all he believes in. Are there moments like these that we have to face in our lives? To put it...