Shabbat Shalom!
A beautiful tribute to a powerful Torah reading. Shabbat Shalom!
A beautiful tribute to a powerful Torah reading. Shabbat Shalom!
This week, we read the Jewish flood epic. This is a story we hear in different forms from various civilizations over time, teaching us that all humans impact each other in holiness, narrative, and morals. May we all have an accepting and loving Shabbat. Shabbat Shalom!
This week we are reintroduced to creation, the beginning of our story. Maybe restarting the cycle of Torah will bring us all back to our roots. Shabbat Shalom!
Just as Judaism teaches us that the Sukkot holiday is a time of great joy, we also read Kohelet, a book that balances our joy by teaching of grief and that there is a time for everything. How Judaism views the circle of life is shown even in how we...
Shabbat Shalom! We bless you all to start this year off on a positive note and with lots of love.
Wishing you and your family a meaningful Yom Kippur. G'mar Chatima Tova from everyone at Chicago Jewish Funerals
May 5780 be a year of comfort and healing. From everyone at Chicago Jewish Funerals.
This week's portion, Ki Tetze, or, "and you shall go out" discusses all the laws of how we are supposed to behave during a war. These laws include how we act towards other people, nature and so on. In the last few lines of the portion, the Torah tells us...
May we all seek justice within ourselves and make it a reality in our world. Shabbat Shalom! -Art by Iris Jacobson