TesteChicago Jewish Funerals2024-02-27T16:41:35+00:00 Vital Statistics Person Completing This Form TitleMr.Mrs.Ms.MissDr.ProfessorRabbiCantorHon. Arrangements for Date of Birth Marital StatusMarriedNever MarriedDivorcedSeparatedWidowedUnknown Residence SPOUSE´S NAME Ever in the U.S. Armed Forces NoArmyAir ForceNavyMarinesCoast Guard Education, Ethnicity and Race Education8th Grade or Less9th - 12th GradeHigh Scholl Graduate (GED)Some CollegeAssociate DegreeBachelor's DegreeMaster's DegreeDoctorate Degree (Ph.D, Ed.D)Unknown EthnicityNo, not Spanish/Hispanic/LatinoMexican, Mexican America, ChicanoYes, Puerto RicanYes, CubanYes, Other RaceWhiteBlack or African AmericanAmerican Indian or Alaska IndianAsian IndianChineceFilipinoJapaneseKoreanVietnameseNative HawaiianGuantanamo or ChamorroSamoanOther AsianKorean Parents FATHER´S NAME MOTHER´S NAME Cemetery and Notes