Shabbat shalom, everyone!
Shabbat shalom, everyone! May we always maintain our hope and love in humanity.
Shabbat shalom, everyone! May we always maintain our hope and love in humanity.
Come join JCSF Chicago on Wednesday, November 13, 2024, 7PM - 8:30PM Grieving the Death of a Loved One: An Evening of Support This evening of support will include music and poems for healing, reflections on the grieving process and a personal grief journey illuminating paths to healing. This program is...
Sometimes we see miracles, just like this one from Evanston just a few weeks ago. We pray for the signs of peace to come upon the Jewish People and the world throughout. Shabbat shalom!
Recently, David Jacobson, founder and owner of Chicago Jewish Funerals, sat down with Effie Anolik of the Groundbreaking podcast. Here David gives listeners an inside scoop on the many unique approaches that he uses to bring comfort to mourners. The conversation takes many turns and reveals insights from the heart that can...
Mark your calendars and prepare for a heartwarming event on November 11th, 10:30 AM at the Skokie Chapel (8851 Skokie Blvd) as we proudly host a dedication ceremony for an ambulance destined for Magen David Adom, Israel's vital emergency medical service. This isn’t just any ambulance; it’s a symbol of hope...
To our community, As we celebrate our 27th year of serving the community, we would like to wish you and your families a safe, meaningful, and healthy New Year! Chicago Jewish Funerals has Yizkor candles and calendars available for anyone who would like. Please stop by one of our Chapels in Skokie...
What do we see when we look at the desert? What is our first impression when we look at someone or something? Are our first judgements, our fears, what lead our choices in life? The parsha this week is an incredible story of the 12 people going in to the promised land...
This weeks parsha starts with the lighting of the menorah, the igniting of something new, and a symbol for many triumphs and holiness through our history.One understanding and explanation of the menorah comes from the prophet Zecharya. There, the seven branches are connected to the “seven eyes of God”. Lighting...
During this beautiful holiday of receiving the Torah, we learn wonders about the essence of being a Jewish person (and human!) from the Book of Ruth. Both Ruth and Boaz, the great grandparents of King David and stars of the megilla, come from lineages with challenging stories. Ruth is from Moab,...