Funeral Details

Tova Rothschild

September 20, 1944 - March 11, 2025


Date and Time

Wednesday, March 12, 2025 at 1:00 PM


Chicago Jewish Funerals
Skokie Chapel
8851 Skokie Boulevard
Skokie, Illinois 60077
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Rabbi D'ror Chankin-Gould
Anshe Emet Synagogue
Rabbi David Russo


Memorial Park Cemetery
9900 Gross Point Road
Skokie, Illinois 60076
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Michael Rothschild Residence
1509 Sheridan Road
Highland Park, Illinois 60035
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Wednesday beginning at 5PM, Mincha 6PM
Thursday beginning at 4PM, Mincha 6PM
Monday beginnig 4PM, Mincha 6PM
Tuesday 8:30AM Shacharit
Please do not park in the driveway, park on Linden Avenue or Sheridan Road.

Leeatt Rothschild Residence
1904 West Patterson Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60613
Saturday beginning at 5PM, Maariv 8PM
Sunday 4PM start, Mincha 6PM

Memorial Contributions

Israel Cancer Research Fund
52 Vanderbilt Avenue, Suite 1410
New York, New York 10017-3835
Camp Ramah
3390 Ramah Circle
Conover, Wisconsin 54519
Chicago Jewish Day School
3730 North California Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60618


Tova bat Moshe v'Tzipora

Beloved wife of Michael Rothschild, happily married for 55 years; loving mother of Tomer Rothschild (Stacy Palestrant), Leelach Rothschild (Andy Kallish), Leeatt Rothschild (Micky Hervitz); cherished savta of Gabi DeKoven and Shiraz, Meital and Erez Rothschild, and Eliana, Mati, Aviv and Tzipi Hervitz; treasured sister of Shalom Hareuveni z”l (Leah z”l); beloved aunt of Ream Hareuveni z”l (Lee Aloni) and Yaela Esther Toko (Lobsang Tashi Toko); proud great-aunt of Ela Tseyang and Coral Yangchen Toko, and Emai, Shir Shalom, Gefen and Mor Hareuveni. Service Wednesday 1PM at Chicago Jewish Funerals, 8851 Skokie Blvd. (at Niles Center Road), Skokie. Interment Memorial Park. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to the Israel Cancer Research Fund, 52 Vanderbilt Avenue, Suite 1410, New York, New York 10017-3835,, Camp Ramah, 3390 Ramah Circle, Conover, WI 54519,, or Chicago Jewish Day School, 3730 N. California Ave., Chicago, IL 60618, To attend the funeral livestream, please visit our website. Arrangements by Chicago Jewish Funerals - Skokie Chapel, 847.229.8822,


We encourage you to share your personal condolences and stories of Tova Rothschild below and we will share them with the family.
*Email and phone numbers will NOT be displayed online

My sincere condolences to the Rothschild family. Tova was my children's teacher and my colleague at Skokie Solomon Schechter. Her teaching and artistry made a tremendous impact on so many. May her memory be a blessing. Barbara Minkus

Barbara Minkus
March 11, 2025
Although I did not get to spend nearly as much time with Tova as I would have liked, I enjoyed every minute we spent together. She was kind intelligent, loving and fun to be around. We laughed a lot but also talked about issues that matter most in life. My condolences go out to her family and friends.

March 11, 2025
Blessed memories for your beautiful Tovah🙏🙏
She made such a tremendous impact on our family.
She was adored by all.

Dr Mark Hyman
March 11, 2025
Our sincere condolences to Michael and the family. So sorry about your loss. May her memory be a blessing. Vered and Israel Klinghofer

Vered Klinghofer
March 11, 2025
מיכאל היקר והמשפחה. אנחנו משתתפים בצערכם.יהי זכרה ברוך
זיוה ונמרוד

ziva averbuch
March 11, 2025
למיכאל היקר וכל המשפחה, משתתפים בצערכם הגדול. יהי זכרה ברוך.
תנחומינו,דרורה ודרור קופרניק

drora and dror kopernik
March 11, 2025
Tova always loved to analyze the names of characters in books we read in the book club, or during our Bible studies. Her interpretations brought evocative, and Revealing aspects of the characters we discussed.
Tova, your name needs no interpretations. Tov means good, and you were pure goodness. Always kind, willing to help, assist, give advice, and teach making the world a better place.

Edith Belkind
March 11, 2025
Dear Michael and family, our sincere condolences to all of you . So sorry for the loss of your beloved wife, mother and grandmother. May her memory be a blessing.
Judy and Miron Bakshy

Judy and Miron Bakshy
March 11, 2025
Dear friends,
Our sincere condolences. Tova was among the first to welcome us to Highland Park. We shared neighborhood tales from Bnei Brak and celebrated together joyous family life events. We lost a good friend…

Zenia and Michael Barnea
March 11, 2025
טובה יקרה, זוכרת אני אותך כאמא נהדרת לתלמידי, וכמורה נפלאה לנכדיי
תמיד הערצתי אותך כאדם משכיל ומעניין
חושבת אני עליך בהרבה חיבה והערכה
תהא נשמתך צרורה בצרור החיים

דליה נס
March 12, 2025
Sending so much love to your entire family. May Tova's memory continue to be a blessing to all that she touched and knew her and may her beautiful, sparkly light continue to shine through all of you. I feel so blessed to have known her, first when she worked at Camp Ramah our Solelim summer rolling herself on the kikar in her wheelchair and later as we grew into adulthood. You could see her pride just a few weeks ago in the community that Tomer has built through our Nivo '88 reunions - a community that is showing up right now to love and support Tomer and all of you. It was beautiful to watch how Tova got to see it and feel it - that Camp Ramah love and connection that has built so many positive Jewish identities. What a gift. I am all holding all of you extra close and know how much we love and are here for you. Elisa Heiligman Recht

Elisa Heiligman Recht
March 12, 2025
I am so sorry for your loss. While her physical presence will be surely missed, I know her love, impact and values will live on forever

Rajiv Naidu
March 12, 2025
צר לי מאד על אבדנה של טובה , אישה חמימה יקרה ואמיצה מוכשרת ואהובה על כלנו בקהילה הישראלית בשיקגו, . אוהבת את מיכאל ואת שאר בני משפחתה.
היכרתיה בראשית בואנו לשיקגו, זכורים לי הוריה ובמיוחד אשיותו החמימה של אביה
וטובה היא אבדה אישית ואבדה לכלנו בקהילת ובמיוחד לידידותיה בחוג הספר העברי בשיקגוץ היא תחסר לכלנו
תהא נפשה צרורה בצרור החיים בגן עדן תהא נשמתה

נסיה פרנק

Nessia Frank
March 12, 2025
לכל משפחת רוטשילד היקרה !משתתפים בצערכם.יהי זכרה ברוך .חיבוק מנחם מכל משפחת ליבר

דורית ליבר
March 12, 2025

Michal Aljadeff
March 12, 2025
To the family of my "almost twin" (we were born one day apart and used to celebrate our birthdays together). I deeply appreciate the paper cut artwork that Tova created for our 40th wedding anniversary, which beautifully incorporated our two names into the design. I remember so fondly the monthly Bible Portion studying sessions that Tova organized for many years. And the many wonderful group gatherings at the Rothschild home that she has organized! Her spirit, energy, creativity, friendship, sense of humor, caring, and love will always be remembered.

Ruth Ravid
March 12, 2025
This tribute was a beautiful reflection on Tova’s joy, strength, dedication to community and Judaism, and most importantly her love of family. She is beaming with pride, no doubt. May her memory be a blessing. ❤️

Jordana Jaffee
March 13, 2025
Michael, Leeatt, Mikey and family. My deepest sympathies and heartfelt condolences for the loss of Tova. She was a remarkable woman who left behind an even more remarkable family legacy. Within all of you, the power of her spirit will live on. -Nazca

Nazca Fontes
March 16, 2025
Dear Leeatt, Micky, and all your family,
We send you love and deepest condolences on the passing of your mother, Tova. We remember her from years ago, when we met her, and experienced her warmth and energy. Those qualities and more helped her to be with everyone at Dalia's wedding, and to celebrate this event as she had shared so many in the past. Losing a mother is very hard, but the good thoughts and memories of her, as well as her good advice, will be with you always.
May your mother's memory bring you blessing, and may we meet you again on happy occasions.
All our love,
Meri-Jane and Joel

Meri-Jane Rochelson and Joel Mintz
March 18, 2025
Sending Leelach and the entire Rothschild family our condolences from Ireland. Thinking of you at this sad time ❤️

Maria Marrinan
March 22, 2025