Shabbat Shalom
We pray for safer days. Our hearts are broken, but we will not break. May it truly be a Shabbat Shalom.
We pray for safer days. Our hearts are broken, but we will not break. May it truly be a Shabbat Shalom.
Each language cowers In shame and in sorrow For there are no words To express That -Dafna Shen (original in Hebrew)
Happy Simchat Torah! Just like this smiling Alpaca, may we all rejoice in the beautiful gift of Torah. It is a blessing to have such holy teachings to live by, especially when we engage in the living and learning together as a community. Chag Sameach and Shabbat Shalom!
ושמחת בחגך!!! May we have a joyful beginning to the festival of sukkot and May we be granted with the great honor of hosting those who we love as well as those who we do not yet know. Shabbat shalom and Chag Sameach!
On this special Shabbat of repentance, we remember that in order to continue to bloom and thrive, we must connect deeply to our roots, our pasts and our selves. What keeps you grounded? Shabbat shalom and May we all be written in the book of life. Gmar hatima tova!
Shana tova! May we all have a healthy, loving and sweet new year.
Feeling grateful as the year ends for matriarchs and patriarchs who are still experiencing firsts. It is never too late to learn to find joy in unexpected places.Shabbat shalom!
This week, we are warned by the Torah of the implications and laws of war. We are reminded this week and always, that even when there is conflict amongst us, there are ways to handle ourselves and treat our surroundings. May we all maintain peace within our homes and communities...
Chodesh tov! A good new month! We have just entered the month of Elul, the final month of the Jewish calendar. This month, we begin to look deeper into ourselves and prepare for Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.May we all have a meaningful month and a Shabbat shalom!
We are so humbled to have celebrated 26 years of service this month. We are grateful to all of the caring and committed staff that works around the clock to serve our community with all of their hearts and souls. We are so lucky to be trusted to care for...