Friday Posts

Shabbat Shalom!

This week, we read the final portion of the 4th book of the Torah. The children of Israel have received all of the laws and are camped across the Jordan from Jericho, ready to enter. Before they do, the final book of the Torah will review all they were commanded...


Shabbat Shalom

Shabbat shalom to all! This week, when reading about the sacrifices for each holiday, we remember that there is a time for everything. Some days we give more, some days we give less, some days we need to receive a bit more love. Every day has its needs, and we...


Shabbat Shalom!

El Na Refa Na La- please heal her! These beautiful words are said by Moses in request of healing his beloved sister, Miriam, in this week’s portion. May we all pray for the healing of our loved ones and those in our community and we hope that our prayers will be...


Shabbat Shalom!

This week, we learn about what each of the tribes is expected to bring to the tabernacle. It is an amazing lesson in how our ancestors approached holiness, what they brought of their world and of themselves. May we all be blessed to belong to places that need us to...


Into the desert we go!

Into the desert we go! This week, we start a new book and chapter in our collective history. The desert is a place that neutralizes our intake and cleans us. May we all have a Shabbat Shalom and listen to the silence around us and May it give us clarity!