Friday Posts

Parshat Vayechi

In this week's Torah portion Vayechi, Jacob asks Joseph to take an oath that he will bury him in the Holy Land. Upon his passing, a large funeral procession consisting of Jacob’s descendants, Pharaoh’s ministers, the leading citizens of Egypt and the Egyptian cavalry accompanies Jacob on his final journey...


Shabbat Shalom!

This week, Yehudah, the namesake and source of the Jewish people, offers himself in order to save his brother, Benjamin. This act brings Jacob’s sons, the tribes of Israel, together, finally reunited and at peace. May we all be blessed to be reunited with those and that which we love. Shabbat shalom!


Rosalind Jacobson

This Shabbat, we celebrate the life and accomplishments of Rosalind Jacobson, mother of founder, David. Loss and grieving is something we all experience. We thank the community for being strong and supporting us in this difficult time. Dealing with the death of a loved one is never easy. May we all...


Shabbat Shalom

This week, God makes himself known to Jacob and renames him to be called Israel. He is promised and blessed with the land for his generations of offspring. The name Israel is a blessing unto itself; the blessing that we as a people have the privilege to struggle with God,...


Shabbat Shalom!

In this week’s parsha, the Torah teaches us what it means to not get along with siblings and the outcomes. Alongside that, it also teaches us what it means to make amends and how much goodness it can bring to the world for the individuals, their surroundings and family relations...


Shabbat Shalom!

This week in Hayeyi Sarah, the portion that is named "Sarah's life", we actually learn about her death. This is the first time in any Jewish source that we see a burial occur, and Abraham does so with dignity, buying her grave in Hebron from the Hittites. This week teaches...


Shabbat Shalom!

A lot of things happen in this week's portion, but the one that connects the most to us is when god calls out to Abraham, his response is, "Hineni", or, I am present, I am here, I am open. We feel so honored to be able to say "Hineni" to our...


Shabbat Shalom!

This week, we read the Jewish flood epic. This is a story we hear in different forms from various civilizations over time, teaching us that all humans impact each other in holiness, narrative, and morals. May we all have an accepting and loving Shabbat. Shabbat Shalom!