Friday Posts

Shabbat Shalom – Parshat Vayigash

This sunrise, experienced this morning in Benjamin’s biblical allotment in the land of Israel, is a beautiful connection to this week’s parsha. Benjamin is the connection of Joseph back to his brothers, the family reuniting and the ended hunger of the tribe of Israel. Shabbat Shalom!


Shabbat Shalom!

Just like this snail is on a journey, this week we see the children of Israel on their way down to Egypt. Every journey we make takes us somewhere, and every place has goodness to be found. Shabbat shalom!


Shabbat Shalom and Happy Hannukah!

This Shabbat, during the Festival of Lights, we remember the first Yartzeit of the incredible Rosalind Fox Jacobson, mother of our founder, David. Roz reminded us of many of the lessons of Hannukah; to sing, to be joyful, to eat delicious things, to call your family, and so much more. We wish...


Shabbat Shalom!

This week, the children of Jacob, the family from which the Jewish people come from, are born. They don’t all get along, they have their challenges and their joys. As we celebrated Thanksgiving yesterday, we celebrate this whole scale of emotions and experiences with our own families just as those before...