Friday Posts

Shabbat shalom and Chag Sameach!

This week, during Purim, we have the opportunity to extend ourselves into the unknown of ourselves. We give ourselves an outlet to discover new things and find the freedom within ourselves before our national freedom comes with Passover. Shabbat shalom and Chag Sameach!


Shabbat Shalom

This new book gives us an opportunity to see things anew. May we all give space to discover new within the old this week. Shabbat shalom!


Shabbat Shalom

This Shabbat, we remember our founder David’s big brother, Michael. This week we read his beloved Torah portion, Pekudei, about the decoration and detail of the Holy of Holies. In his memory, may we all look deeply at the beauty of the detail around us. Shabbat shalom!


Shabbat Shalom

The first word of this week’s parasha is a reaction to heal from the event of the Golden Calf and the breaking of the first set of the Commandments in the previous parasha. Yavakehl: and Moses gathered the people, made a community of the people. Coming together is the first step...


Shabbat Shalom!

Shabbat shalom from our family to yours. Sometimes we encounter challenges along our journey through the desert, but that’s part of the beauty of it. Shabbat shalom!


Shabbat Shalom

Just as Moses and God communicate this week, may we all be open to communication with those around us at a higher spiritual level. May our ability to listen always be strong! Shabbat Shalom!


Shabbat Shalom!

This week we are directed as to how to build god’s dwelling space. We must think for ourselves; what makes up a holy place? How do we choose to decorate our lives? What kinds of materials truly reflect the spiritual intention they are meant to represent? Shabbat Shalom!


Shabbat Shalom

Sometimes, it takes a long journey in the desert to figure out what rules to follow. Whether it be alone or with a community, it’s good to take a moment in the silence and reevaluate everything we know. Shabbat shalom!


Shabbat Shalom!

Founder, David, wishes all of you a Shabbat Shalom. A Shabbat in which you live life to the fullest, feel inspired to try new things, and make your way into the desert to reveal a new vision for yourself. Shabbat shalom!