Friday Posts

Shabbat Shalom

The journey through the desert can be a challenge- lots of rules, frustrations and needs. When we all work together, the journey becomes a little easier. Shabbat shalom to all!


Chag Sameach!

Chag sameach! This weekend, we receive the Torah, our life, our connection to each other and our lifelong journey of learning! Shabbat shalom to all.


Shabbat Shalom!

This week, the Torah teaches us of the sabbatical year, something that is not only for humans, but also for the land. This year in Israel, this commandment comes alive yet again in this year of Shmita, allowing the fields of the holy land a year of rest. Shabbat shalom!


Shabbat shalom!

This week, the Torah reminds us of all of the festivals which we are to celebrate and remember during the year. The commandment for the counting of the Omer, this special time we are in now, is also present in this week’s portion. Why only after about a month of counting...