
The lifecycle is a thing to celebrate

This week we are reminded of the rules of war in the Torah portion, however, Chicago Jewish Funerals would like to extend its congratulations to our founder, David, on the marriage of his son, Gabriel to Julia! The lifecycle is a thing to celebrate, not just in joyous times, but also...


Shabbat Shalom!

This week, we learn of some of the ways that we are meant to be holy, to create holiness, to maintain holiness. These laws are between people, concern the relationship of people with god and people with nature. May we all be blessed with a great variety of ways in which...


The new month of Iyar.

This week is the first Shabbat of the new month of Iyar, a month in which we celebrate the 73rd year of the State of Israel. This day does not come without an aspect of memory for those lost, the sacrifices of many and the Jewish value for collective and...


Shabbat Shalom!

May we grow through our redemption. We hope you all had a wonderful Passover holiday and a new, free and enjoyable Shabbat this week! Check out this beautiful fig, how wonderful to see the cycle of life happening everywhere around us. Shabbat Shalom!