
True Kindness

We created this video to share our vision of what we aspire to be for our community. True kindness is about giving someone the space and time to face the tests of life. How can you help create a space like this for others? A space that nurtures and supports a...


Spotlight: Kalie!

This week please join us in acknowledging our funeral director’s apprentice, Kalie. Consciously blending an innovative perspective with the values we all share in our hearts, Kalie is sensitive to the diverse needs of our community. We are fortunate to have someone so passionate and dedicated to their work. Thank...


Wishing you a Happy Passover!!!

Dear Friends, On behalf of everyone at Chicago Jewish Funerals, we want to wish all of you and your families a healthy, peaceful and meaningful Passover. Just as a reminder, if you need Yizkor candles, they are available at the Buffalo Grove Chapel or the Skokie Chapel. Chag Sameach, David Jacobson & Everyone at...


“Too much crinkle, enough with the crinkle!”

Our founder David Jacobson sits down with a family member to address a concern from a loved one’s recent funeral. The wrappers on our mints were too loud and distracting when opened during the eulogy. David samples different mints in a search to find the perfect wrapper. At Chicago Jewish...


Shabbat Shalom!

This week, Abraham is told to leave his land, the place where he grew up, the home of his father, for a new land. It’s scary sometimes to try new things, to go into the unknown. This adventure he takes is a reminder to us to emulate Abraham’s trust, his...


Shabbat Shalom!

Just like this snail is on a journey, this week we see the children of Israel on their way down to Egypt. Every journey we make takes us somewhere, and every place has goodness to be found. Shabbat shalom!